Life coaching sessions are important to allow your inner natural leader to flourish. You learn to process your own past and the associated emotions. If there are still many feelings and emotions in your heart, you are less able to reach the dreams and desires that lie deeper within yourself.
I am happy to guide you:
Do you sometimes feel like you’re busy with the wrong things?
Are you curious about your motives and how you can do justice to them?
Do you want to bring out the best in yourself?
A healthy and meaningful life
Life coaching is about your personal vision, awareness and motivation. That requires self-reflection and I challenge you to take control and responsibility over your own life. I will of course guide you through this and come up with the necessary eye-openers.
I support you to find more balance between your personal wishes and the relationship to yourself and the world around you. I focus on your future, by developing your personal power. I help you to process emotional pain and trauma to enable a healthy and meaningful life with fulfilling relationships.
I invite you to take a very good look at yourself. And to really see who you are, what you live for, what your strength is and what challenges you in life. Do you do things that really make you happy? The goal of coaching is to gain clarity about this by looking at your life and the choices you make.Experiencing inner turmoil often also plays a role. The feeling that choices are being made for you. This manifests itself in doubts about important matters such as your education, career or choice of partner.
We talk about all kinds of areas of life:
What is the meaning of life? Is this all now? Who am I, what do I want and what can I do? What is my need?
How can I fill in my life to live my values? How can I achieve more in my life?
What really makes me happy? What am I good at?
How can I deal with setbacks in life?
How would I like to live?
Where will I be in five years if I continue on this course?
I guide you on the path of personal and professional development in a confidential, safe and honest manner. You become aware of the obstacles and themes that keep recurring in your life and prevent you from growing. By making you aware of your important values, deep beliefs and behavioral patterns, you will gain more insight and you will be able to adjust the non-functional behavior and learn new (desired) behavior. This will boost your self-esteem and confidence.
Dealing with your own vulnerability
Vulnerability is inextricably linked to our existence and yet we prefer to behave as if this were not the case. As a result, we often make ourselves dependent on the judgment of others and condemn ourselves just as harshly. For example, you may be forced to act, block in certain situations, you cannot stand up for yourself, you are constantly on your guard or you walk on your toes. You may also avoid anything that evokes negative emotions and detracts from your own feelings and abilities.
Are you curious if we click and how I can best guide you? Make an appointment now for a personal introductory meeting. I love to tell you all about my approach and your possibilities. The consultations are partially reimbursed by health insurance. Rates: €115 per hour (child, adolescent, young adult) and €150 for 1.5 hours (adults). Services are exempt from VAT.